
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



saffron at krumme lanke

“60 seconds?!” exclaimed Saffron. “That’s way way too long. I can be quiet for one second. One. Here...” she counted one second and continued on her merry way. I was trying to get some break from Chatty Cathy this sleepy Sunday morning indoors.

The day was long. An hour longer today due to Daylight Savings Time which ended here in Europe a week earlier than in does the States. Saffron was already getting bored before breakfast and I persuaded her to work on the new dot-to-dot book I bought her a few days ago. She seemingly forgot about it as she ran to get both the book and her coloured pencils.

She coloured Ariel, the mermaid, pink and green. She coloured a horse black and pink. All the while talking without hardly taking a breath. Quiet is something I cherish dearly and Saffron’s penchant for talking is certainly not inherited from me. But she is full of life and happy which is what matters.

saffron dot to dot

Our Sunday breakfast included the hazelnut cake I made last night and the strawberries from the farmer's market with freshly whipped cream. Muesli was the healthier part of our breakfast. Sundays are different. Sundays are special.

I particularly like the custom of stores being closed on Sundays in Germany. Also the noise laws prohibiting the loud lawn equipment often heard back home when all one wants to do is enjoy a peaceful Sunday morning.

We spend most of the day indoors, enjoying our last day at this flat before having to move in the morning. Unfortunately having to leave meant having to pack. I would prefer to have Sundays be the one day during the week we take for true relaxing and unwinding before the new week begins. It is something I hope to instill when I return home - as much as possible.

hazelnut cake

After breakfast, Saffron somehow got the idea to make short films. Most of them were of her and one was of me. She walked around the flat narrating her short movies on her iPhone, chatting a mile a minute and talking to a non-existent audience. "Hello. This is Saffron again. You know, from the other five movies...", I heard her say at one point. Perhaps she needs to work as an actress.

She then sat on the red sofa, viewed her movies, and laughed at herself. “That’s so funny”, I would hear her say, and she would continue to laugh. Listening to her was truly funny, I have to admit.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m doing this film and nobody is allowed to interrupt me” she said on one of her films as I filmed her with my iPhone. My film was a few seconds. Her films went on for 15 minutes each, at least.

saffron films

After a while I felt the need to go outside for a walk. I decided we would take the U3 to the end station of Krumme Lanke. Since we left fairly late in the afternoon and since I didn't want to get lost so late in the day, we stuck to the area around the station and to a main street. Autumn leaves were everywhere - a most beautiful sight.

leaf covered house krumme lanke

Our first stop was to fulfill one of the items on Saffron's wishlist - ice cream. I was able to find the place I visited five years ago and it did not change as I remember. Saffron ordered a kugel of vanilla bean ice cream. I decided on a slice of cheesecake albeit it was not the same taste as one I make due to the differences in cheese used.

We sat in the back of the place and watched the other customers enjoying their Sunday treats. Saffron told me her other wishes - one of which is going to see a movie. Going to the playground was another one but I decided today nature would be her playground.

We walked some way along the main street until we happened upon an open area filled with leaves. Saffron was delighted and asked if she could run around. "Run", I told her as I changed the lens on my camera to better capture her delight.

saffron running

She had a lot of energy to burn as most children seem to have. If only there was a way to have some of her energy for myself.

saffron waves krumme lanke

At one point she seemed to be getting tired but she kept going. A break was all she needed.

about to fall

She asked if she could sit in the wet grass. I had no problem with that as long as she was happy.

saffron and leaf

It was a great opportunity to make some fun photographs of her. After a few serious faces, she decided on some silly ones.

silly saffron diptych

Part of me wishes I could return during Christmas as this will be the first Christmas she will be without her siblings and parents. Albeit too cold and too dark to spend much time outdoors, winter in Germany is quite the experience.

saffron pondering

Saffron and I had a nice experience today in the open field as she ran back and forth several times and finished the day with a few cartwheels. And an attempt at a handstand. The look on her face was something I wanted to cherish when I return home so photographing our time together is the best way I know to do so. It is also something she can one day look back upon and recall when we spent an autumn in Berlin together.

saffron spins

We walked further down the street making sure to stay on the main road. At one point, we turned down another street and headed back towards the U-Bahn station. Along the way we saw a few more autumn-filled sights.

franz kafka

We came across an inflatable pool tossed out into the sidewalk. Saffron wanted me to photograph it since it was so colourful and interesting. She asked why someone simply tossed a pool outside. I didn't have an answer but I agreed it was an interesting photograph.

broken pool

Saffron wondered why I was photographing leaves. "Leaves are the same in Texas!" she exclaimed. "No, my dear, they are not", I replied. To her, they were simply leaves. To me, the leaves were the beauty of autumn and not something I get to see back home. The little things...it's always the little things.

autumn leaves on black road

We made it back to the station as night was approaching, tired but glad we were on our way back home. A happy Sunday spent away from the city with memories to cherish for a lifetime.

leaving krumme lanke