
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



seena sage rock

Change is inevitable and necessary in order for life to move forward. It is not always pretty or easy and at times might catch one off guard. Adjustment takes time for all. Such is the way of life.

I visited my two younger children tonight, taking them the hazelnut chocolate chip cookies I baked for them earlier today. It sounds strange to say I'm visiting my children, but that is what it is in the world of co-parenting. They ended up staying with me for a couple hours tonight as their father attended a business dinner.

My oldest has been telling me via Skype about the two boys who have been coming over to my former home, along with their mother - referred to by my daughter as 'Papa's friend'. He confirmed tonight it was his girlfriend - a 'fairly young' lady according to him. He asked about Ireland and I then stated I am also seeing someone. 'So we're all moving forward', he replied.

A long distance relationship, albeit difficult to maintain, is not impossible if that is what one truly desires. It is a great challenge of life and love. Despite what one might think, that is not the reason for my divorce as discussions of divorce came about at least two years ago, if not sooner.

No one sets out with the intention of divorcing one day. Many reasons exists for its occurrence whether physical or emotional abuse, neglect, loss of love, or simple incompatibility (which seems like an excuse for not willing to work things out).

When two people are no longer compatible, when they do not take time to work out their differences, when they make other things take precedence over love, divorce becomes an inevitable option. It is often the result of a love which no longer exists or is deemed not worth fighting for.

The person who stays through both good and bad times. The one who cherishes you, takes time to listen, holds you close and never gives up. The one who is willing to fight for a love he believes in and who chooses to put love above all else...this is the one worth keeping.

A relentless love is rare. Distance should not make a difference. Patience does not always come easily but the rewards are great should one choose to wait.

Adjustment takes time. The impending holiday season does not make things easier with visions of an empty Thanksgiving table and a quiet Christmas morning. Change is difficult, but necessary, as it makes way for something new. Something better.