
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



christmas roses

A winter coat and boots were required today as the weather turned cooler than the day before. A high of 12 degrees Celsius I did not mind, as I prefer the cold in December. The streets were less crowded in the morning but the stores soon became filled with people making their last-minute purchases and preparing for Christmas.

My daughter called me at noon just as I was getting back into the car after my trip to Central Market. She was calling me from somewhere close to Frankfurt where she was spending Christmas with her aunt and twin cousins, along with Oma.

The call was brief. No longer than 60 seconds if I had to guess. She was told the brevity of the call had something to do with the Internet. No doubt it had something to do with the resentment of the ex in-laws with regards to my 'breaking up the family', as they put it.

I continued with my day visiting a few more grocery stores since one did not have everything I needed. At Trader Joe's I needed to buy feta. In addition to the feta, I ended up with two other types of cheese, some eucalyptus, and a beautiful bouquet of red roses. My Christmas roses.

Red roses are a wonderful sight to behold as one walks into a room. A vibrant red is a strong and powerful colour full of energy and passion and the perfect addition for the Christmas table and anytime of the year.

As I walked around Central Market today, I immersed myself in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I imagined having a Christmas dinner to prepare as I gathered my ingredients in hopes of making something for dinner other than crackers with cheese and wine. This Christmas I will spend with my boyfriend albeit from afar via Skype.

Next Christmas will be different. My hope is he will be here next year and we will busy ourselves with preparations for Christmas dinner with both of us in the kitchen. Around the table we will sit and enjoy our meal with the children as red roses grace our Christmas table.