
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



suas coffeehouse

Making the most of every second we have together is the challenge of any long-distance relationship. In the case of a transatlantic relationship, the time spent together becomes even more precious as the minutes until departure are counting down.

Today was day three of my nine-day trip. Another long morning spent sleeping in, waking up for a few minutes, then going back to a dream state until near noon. More lounging on the couch and watching Friends - the last episodes before the series finished. Although I've watched this show all the years it aired, I find it is one of the few television shows I can watch without tiring of it. I Love Lucy is another of those shows.

Once again I enjoyed a lovely and healthy breakfast made by him. I am sure I have eaten more vegetables in my three days being here than I have in a month at home in the States. A meal is always more enjoyable when we have someone to share it with and more so when someone else prepares it for you. I realise I'm spoiled now and will go back to making my own meals next week. For now, I will enjoy it.

We ventured outside in the early afternoon. Our first stop was Open Sesame across the street, albeit I'm more inclined to call Parnell Street a streetlet instead of a street. Open Sesame is a small natural food store where I found organic plain flour, yeast, and dark muscovado sugar for both bread and cookies I plan on baking this week.  

The search for a suitable baking sheet was fruitless as we were unable to find anything which was not non-stick or dark in colour. Tomorrow we will try a restaurant supply store and hope to find something there. I have my mind set on making spiced chocolate chip cookies and have brought with me all of the spices and chocolate chips needed for my recipe.

Instead of returning home, we decided to walk around the town. Ennis is a small enough town to where you are bound to walk into someone you know anytime you venture outside. In the handful of times I've been here, I already know more people than I do back in the States.

The decision we pondered as we walked along the street was stopping for a pint of Guinness at Knox's or coffee at Suas Coffeehouse. We decided on a pint at Knox's first. I have come to know two people who work there and one was there today serving us our beer.

ennis bookshop

After the Guinness, we walked up the street to Suas Coffeehouse where we were able to sit at the coveted corner window spot. The cappuccino I ordered was delicious and the company was the best part of my time there. Being able to sit down for a coffee and enjoy each other's company whilst foregoing any technological distractions is time well spent.

ennis centre

Quality time these days seems difficult to come by. Often when we are out with friends or family most people are bound to have their heads buried in their iDevices, occasionally casting a glance your way. Gone is the time when people were satisfied to simply enjoy each other's company.

Prior to our relaxing dinner at home, I spoke with Saffron. She was in a silly mood and had fun with her heart-shaped stamp pen which she used to stamp the entire length of her left arm. She even went on to stamp parts of her face. I wonder how easy that will be to wash off and am reminded of the time the three children used Sharpies to draw all over their bodies.

The days we have together here in Ireland are limited but all we have this December. Soon we will return to our daily emails, texts, and waiting for the evening to see each other on Skype. For now we will cherish the seconds we have left.