“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
'Can't is a bad word', I heard myself saying to my son tonight after I read him his new book - Rosie Revere Engineer. When we reached the end of one page which held the point of the story, I told my son to pay attention because the next few words I would read are important.
'The only true failure can come if you quit', were the words I read to him. He then asked me why they were important. I explained to him that even when we think we cannot do something we need to keep going whatever it takes.
He was incredibly worried about moving onto first grade. I assured him his teacher let me know he would indeed be making the move to first grade but he was skeptical. 'But I can't read', was all he could say and proceeded to tell me he could only read some 'baby words'.
Progress can be halted by our negative thoughts. The first steps we take toward accomplishing something are difficult but moving past initial failures can prove to be more difficult as the smallest of things can halt us in our tracks. Such is the case with my son and also with myself as I embark upon the next journey.
Though I knew my assignment was temporary, I was left with a feeling of both joy and sadness. Joy at the thought of having met such a diverse group of nice people who shared with me a portion of their lives. Sadness for having to leave the group of nice people, seeing how this was my first step into the working world after nine years.
We never know what awaits us around the corner. At the same time we should not stop to wait for the next opportunity to arrive. Rather we need to keep moving forward despite failures and hardships as well as learning from past mistakes and learning how to turn those mistakes into successes.
There are many bad things which we can say and think but 'can't' is one of them which stop us dead in our tracks both as adults and children. Moving forward takes courage and strength we oftentimes no longer have but most important are those first steps we take towards something. Towards anything.