Today was the first practice of the season. The children were all running about for about 15 minutes. The sky grew dark. And then it rained. It poured. Most of the parents took shelter under the large tree by the field. Then we heard thunder. One parent looked up from his iPhone and announced that lightening was five miles away.
Then the director of the Junior Academy blew the whistle and called practice over. I left in a hurry as the rain poured down and soaked all in its way. I should have trusted my instincts and put on my rain boots. The ones I wear to Ireland every time I go there. Even in the summer.
By the time I got to my minivan, I was soaked. I turned on the heater and the windshield wipers and drove back home. Once home, I texted my son to let him know I was sorry his practice was cancelled. 'It's ok' was his reply.