Sage finished building the Lego ISS set today.
‘You have so many books! Every time I come here, there are books in front of the door’ I heard my son say as he saw me browsing books on Book Depository’s site.
I realised that it was early last month since I last placed an order for new books from the UK website and since the books take a while longer to arrive lately due to Coronavirus, I decided to place an order today to get prepared to read a lot more next month after my move is complete.
Due to the sudden need to move, it has been well over a week since I have read anything. Now that I have two nights before the kids return from their father’s house, I decided that tonight I might start reading one of the books from last month’s order. Though I would prefer to spend the entire weekend reading, I know that at least some of those hours will have to be spent removing items from that acrid smell of mold of the old place.
The work day was a short one today as I was expecting the carpet cleaner in the early afternoon. As I laboured on the maps, I had a message arrive on Twitter from an author in the UK who saw that I also followed Ian Rankin, an author whose books I just started reading. I’ve only read the first Rebus novel and have the next three in the series waiting for me from last month’s order.
The author who messaged me let me know about his latest novel which led me to his website where I read about the series of books he wrote. This search then led me to Book Depository’s site to order those three books which I hope arrive early next month.
He explained that his books are ‘based upon real events [he] encountered whilst making a film’. This, of course, intrigued me and I was glad to have the opportunity to explore additional ‘intelligent thrillers’ as he put it.
Whilst on Book Depository’s site, I saw highlighted the author who died today, Carlos Ruiz Zafron. Though I’ve never heard of him, I remember coming across a Tweet this morning by Ian Rankin mentioning the death of this Spanish author.
Whenever I hear of an author I’ve not come across before, this inevitably leads me down a rabbit hole of discovery of other authors along the way. Which also leads me to order more books and thus to expand my library. That said I already have two books from Mr. Zafron in my Wishlist waiting for my next order in a few weeks’ time.
I have to disagree with my son about my having ‘so many books’. I don’t think that even exists. I would love to have a library in my future cottage or house. Or at least several built-in bookcases and a fireplace where I can lounge on a sofa with my woolen blanket from Scotland and read in the cold winter nights. But that scene would not play out here in Texas. It would have to wait a while until I reach the colder destination of my dreams in Europe.