
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in my everyday life. Home, travel, food, lifestyle.



fence leaves

The phone call came early this morning as I was returning home from the gym. I let the call go to voicemail deciding I would deal with it later. I knew the news could not be good.

'We decided to rescind our offer of employment for January. However...' he continued but the however did not interest me too much. Not only had I lost the job on Monday but the promise of starting on January 4th was also taken away from me as they felt the schedule would not be ideal for me as a mother.

I listened to what he had to say about the other offer of employment. This job was similar but with a more focused subject matter and hours more suited to family life. No weekends and usually no nights later than 21,00h. 'Subject matter expert' were the terms he used. But I would have to go through the entire interview process again - something which took a month the last time.

I went online and applied for the position. I noticed it did not start until early March. Even if I did get the job, which was no guarantee, I would have to wait yet again. My heart sank as did my confidence. I was both angry and sad but knew I had to keep going.

Somehow I need to make something work though I am not sure how at this moment.