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halsey movie 28 august 2021.jpg

Occasionally, there comes along a movie or book which makes you stop and ponder. Something unique and different which transports your thoughts both forwards and backwards. Such was the case tonight when I was able to see the fascinating movie by singer Halsey. The movie, ‘If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power’, was in theatres for one day. Showing at only one time.

Initially, I intended to see it alone. Seeing how I had already promised my son that we would go to a different movie today, I faced a dilemma. Go see the movie that he wanted to see with both of us feeling bad that I missed out on a once-in-lifetime experience or face the guilt of watching the movie I wanted to see alone whilst my son sat at home, most likely playing Minecraft the entire time.

The other question in my mind was the appropriateness of a young boy of 12 years watching a movie with such sexual content. Certainly, this is more of an issue in the States, than in any other country, where nudity and sex are taboo. My son reminded me that he was taken to see Stephen King’s ‘It’ when he was eight years old. Not by me, as that I see as inappropriate and frightening. So, I had my son watch the trailer to see if the movie would interest him. He said it looked interesting and would accompany me.

The hour-long movie was unlike any Hollywood production. It was beautifully executed, with lovely medieval dresses in a dark and moody setting. I could relate to the rebellious queen, as can most women when faced with a relationship where they are treated as an object. ‘It’s your job!’ is not something women want to hear when dealing with sex.

‘If nudity was normal, there would be no rape’, I heard my son tell me when we got home. It was an interesting observation, particularly from someone his age. Certainly, this is the case when something is forbidden or hidden. We tend to want to do it more because we think we have the right to do so. That he is even aware of such a thing is unfortunate, though it did not happen to him directly albeit to someone close to him. Such an observation I hope will lead him to grow up to be considerate and respectful towards people with whom he chooses to share his life.

As women, it seems we must often make a choice between love or power. In some relationships, if we give away our heart, we give away our power. Once we realise that, we close off ourselves to anyone who might come our way with intentions to make our lives better. Partners who might simply want to add to our power instead of draining away our souls and leaving us feeling empty and abandoned. At that point, we want to run away from it all instead of seeing where the new experience might take us.

As for the movie, I would certainly want to see it again. Perhaps next time I could see it with someone closer to my age.